What's Slideparty.app?
Let me explain the story behind the concept
I'm William, the creator of Slideparty.app
The beginnings
At the end of 2023, my friend Adrien and I were looking for something fun to work on. We've always been fans of the concept of slide competions. We thought it would be fun to create a tool that would help people make their own.
But what is a Slide Competition Icebreaker?
For us, a slide competition is like this:
- Each participant is assigned a random topic.
- The timer starts. They have a couple of minutes to create fun and interesting slides on that topic.(they can use whatever software they want.)
- The presentations are then shown to the group and people give kudos.
- The best presenter is elected based on the final score.
Businesses are great too
When we first thought of the idea, we wanted to create a tool that everyone can use. We realized that it would also be a great tool for professional use (as an Icebreaker for instance).
As of today, Oct 8 2024, we are still in the early stages of the app. We are working on adding more features and improving the overall user experience. The first alph version has been released yesterday (yay!). A first private party will be held at the end of the week. It's a very exciting journey for us.
Towards more customization
The first iteration of the app has been developed to be as simple as possible. We're using industry standard components from shadcn/ui. They're great, and will allow us to add more customization options in the future without having to rebuild anything.
Tech stack
The app is built on Next.js. The design has been sped up by frameworks and libraries like Tailwind CSS and shadcn/ui. Authentication is handled by Clerk while all backend relies on Convex (for it's awesome realtime database). I'm using Vercel for hosting and PostHog for monitoring. Icons are from Lucide.
Contact information
I'm always happy to chat about the app or anything else. You can reach me at hey@slideparty.app